5 weeks down people!! Only 6 more to go!
This assignment is going to be harder than I thought! They already do tons of celebrity collaborations such as the one for the Keith Haring Foundation. The are used for many a music video like Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Rhianna, Beyonce, and Miley Cyrus' Can't Be Tamed Video. They are used for multiple ad campaigns like the one with Lady Gaga for Mac and the Milk Campaign. Noir just did a collaboration with Conde Nast for their Traveler's magazine and they created the feathered Headdresses. They have a blog and thier online store is fully functional, as well as sample sales, promotions and give-aways.

Since they have such a following with more of the celebrities and editors, stylists and photographers, I want to focus more on the everyday consumer. Those who would be interested but they just don't know about their product. So
1) One idea that I have is for a collaboration with Style.com, they have a huge following and nOir would be able to reach out to even more people. FOr this collaboration they would provide style.com viewers with nOir jewelry , any collection the viewer wanted whether it be the Keith Haring collection or the animal rings, etc. They are allowed to be the creative directors for a photo shoot. Using whatever collection, background, models, clothing and camera they want. In order to be given these, they have to be a registered user of Style.com, 18 or older, and they have to fill out an extensive questionnaire in order to qualify. Their will be 5 winners and those winners will have their photos published on Style.com as well as on nOir's blog. The winners will also receive 3 pieces of jewelry from the collection they chose to keep.
2) nOir has such a creative edge on a lot of their competitors and since they are known for making great costume jewelry, I want to do a brand extension. Why not eyeglasses? Take a million dollars and create 2 to 3 different style. Only have a small amount of each created to have as a soft sell and see how well they do. With the profit created, if their is one, they can put more on the assembly line and have them mass produced.
3) nOir doesn't advertise outside of their website and blog. They let their jewelry speak for itself and rely on their collaborations with other advertisers and celebrities as well as the stores and boutiques that carry them to sell their merchandise. A small ad campaign could be a nice addition. nOir could do a small photo shoot thats really edgy and eye catching, only showing one or two of their products. Put those into ads in only a couple of magazines like Vogue, W, InStyle. I think it would be good for them to keep their advertisements to a small number as a way to create interest. What is this company? What do they sell? Along with those, have online links on Style.com and the magazines websites, with links to their website.
4) I first heard about nOir through Anthropologie. I saw one of their rings, a cute litlte Elephant and had to have it. I looked online for more of their products and found their website. Since then I have been in love! ( Very dramatic I know) As a way to appeal to a broader audience, I think that nOir should do an exclusive collection specifically for Anthropologie. Their client loves clothing that is unique and not mass produced, they like clothing that has a personality and can be either really girl and romantic to really artsy with bright colors. Its a perfect partnership for nOir.